Gurugram, Jan 2 (PTI) Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Thursday honoured the mothers of medal winners and participating players in the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics at the Veer Mata Jija Bai state-level felicitation ceremony here.

Addressing the gathering, the chief minister said the event celebrates the role of mothers in shaping the success of athletes.

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He said felicitating the mothers of players who brought glory to India is a matter of pride. The ceremony is an opportunity to express gratitude not only to our players but also to their mothers.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi often says that behind every major success there is a mother and it is the society's duty to honour and respect mothers.

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Saini announced a grant of Rs 21 lakh to Kreeda Bharti for organising the event and praised the initiative for recognising the contribution of mothers in the field of sports.

Minister of State for Sports Gaurav Gautam also attended the ceremony and said the most selfless role is that of a mother.

It was a privilege to receive the blessings of the mothers of the players who have brought laurels to the nation.

Highlighting the government's efforts, Gautam said Rs 592 crore has been spent on players in the last decade, adding that the state is committed to the welfare of the players and their families.

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