Gandhinagar (Gujarat) [India], June 21 (ANI): The Enforcement Directorate on Wednesday seized cash worth Rs 1.62 crore, most of it in Rs 2,000 denomination, during raids at the premises of criminal Suresh Jagubhai Patel and his associates related to properties and various incriminating documents, the agency said.
As per an ED official, the raids were conducted at the nine residential and commercial premises in Daman and Valsad, Gujarat.
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"ED seized cash worth Rs 1.62 Crore including more than Rs 1 Crore in 2000 rupees currency notes, documents related to more than 100 properties, power of attorneys, various incriminating documents relating to firms/companies/ establishments and cash transactions, digital evidence and 3 bank lockers keys during a search at nine residential & commercial premises of criminal Suresh Jagubhai Patel & his associates, in Daman & Valsad, Gujarat," the agency said in a statement. (ANI)
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