Mumbai, April 26: The daily number of COVID-19 cases in Maharashtra dropped to 48,700 on Monday, taking the count of infections to 43,43,727 while 524 deaths pushed the toll to 65,284, the state health department said. Maharashtra had reported the lowest number of infections in this month so far on April 1 (43,183 cases). On April 2, the state had added 47,827 infections.
With 2,22,475 new tests on Monday, the number of samples tested so far in Maharashtra rose to 2,59,72 018, the department said. "Maharashtra has been seeing the daily spike of around 60,000 cases in the last two months. The state had reported the highest number of 68,631 cases in a day on April 18. In the last one week, there has been no significant rise in the number of daily cases. In the last six days, 4,42,466 patients have recovered and discharged," state health minister Rajesh Tope said. Maharashtra Reports 48,700 New COVID-19 Cases, 524 Deaths in Past 24 Hours.
On Monday, 71,736 patients recovered from COVID-19, including 13,674 recoveries from Pune, which is the highest such number in the state, he added. The health department said 36,01,796people have recovered so far in Maharashtra.
Of the new fatalities, 293 patients had died in the last 48 hours, it said. Mumbai city reported 3,840 fresh cases and 71 deaths, taking the number of infections to 6,31,484 and the fatalities to 12,861.
Mumbai division, including Mumbai city and satellite towns, reported 9,683 new cases and 130 deaths, which raised the overall count of infections to 13,25,582 and the death toll to 22,755, the department said.
Nashik division reported 8,476 new cases including 2,885 in Nashikcity.
Pune division reported 9,093 cases including 2666 in Pune city. Kolhapur division added 2,589 infections, Aurangabad division 2,319, Latur division 3,545, Akola division3,541,and Nagpur division 9,454 cases, including 3,799 in Nagpur city, it said.
Maharashtra's coronavirus figures are as follows: Total cases 43,43,727, deaths 65,284, recoveries 36,01,796, active 6,74,770, total tests 2,59,72,018, vaccination on April 25:1,05,467 and upto April 25: 1,43,56,274.
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