New Delhi, September 10: Former IPS officer from Punjab, Sardar Iqbal Singh Lalpura took charge as the Chairman of National Commission for Minorities on Friday. Lalpura replaced the outgoing chairperson of the Commission Ghayorul Hasan. In his illustrious career as a police officer, Lalpura has been awarded the President's Police Medal for meritorious service. As a scholar, he has been awarded the Shiromani Sikh Sahitkar Award and Sikh Scholar Award.
Lalpura was the national spokesperson of the Bharatiya Janata Party from Punjab before taking over as Chairman of the Commission. Also Read | CoWin Launches KYC-VS To Enable Entities To Check an Individual's COVID-19 Vaccination Status.
The Union Government had set up the National Commission for Minorities (NCM) under the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992. Initially five religious communities, namely, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zoroastrians (Parsis) were notified as minority communities by the Union Government. Further, on January 27, 2014, Jains were also notified as another minority community. Also Read | Indian Researcher Develops Noise Control Sheet Absorber by Mimicking Bee Hives.
Union Government constituted National Commission for Minorities in New Delhi and the state governments constituted State Minorities Commissions in their respective State Capitals. These organisations are set-up to safeguard and protect the interests of minorities as provided in the Constitution of India and laws enacted by the Parliament and the State Legislatures.
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