New Delhi, Jan 30: Delhi Revenue Minister Kailash Gahlot on Friday said forest department officials have been directed to trap a leopard spotted in the Najafgarh area, and appealed to locals to inform authorities in case they see the wild cat.

The leopard was seen roaming near the Raghunath temple in Najafgarh in a CCTV footage early on Wednesday morning.

"The Forest department officials have been directed to catch the leopard as soon as possible. All are requested not to panic on seeing the leopard and inform the officials. Leopard is a protected animal. Please do not attack it," tweeted Gahlot, who is also the MLA from Najafgarh constituency. Leopard Population in India Increases by 60% in 4 Years, PM Narendra Modi Congratulates People Working Towards Animal Conservation.

In a letter to Delhi's principal chief conservator of forests, the minister's secretary on Friday said the wild leopard had been seen at many locations and there was fear among the locals due to it. He urged him to deploy forest department teams to catch the animal so that no loss of life or property takes place.

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