Ujjain, March 25: In a tragic incident at the Ujjain Mahakal temple on Monday morning, festivities turned into chaos as a fire broke out during the Bhasma Aarti at the 'garbagriha' in the temple, said officials. 13 people, including priests and temple staff, were injured in the incident, including the Chief priest of Bhasma Aarti, Sanjay Guru. Delhi Fire: Massive Blaze Erupts at Factory in Alipur, Firefighting Operation Underway; Videos Show Clouds of Smoke and Raging Flames
Fire Breaks out During Bhasma Aarti at Ujjain Mahakal Temple
#WATCH | Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh | 13 people injured in a fire that broke out in the 'garbhagriha' of Mahakal Temple during bhasma aarti today. Holi celebrations were underway here when the incident occurred. The injured have been admitted to District Hospital.
(Earlier visuals… pic.twitter.com/cIUSlRirwo
— ANI (@ANI) March 25, 2024
Ujjain: During the Bhasma Aarti in the sanctum sanctorum of the Mahakal Temple several people, including priests, were injured due to a fire breakout. pic.twitter.com/bd0l0O1hJv
— IANS (@ians_india) March 25, 2024
Those injured in the incident were rushed to the Ujjain district hospital for treatment. "The fire broke out during Bhasma Aarti in the 'garbhagriha'. 13 people are injured in the incident and their medical treatment is underway," informed District Collector Neeraj Kumar Singh.
(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)