New Delhi, October 18: A massive fire broke out at a furniture showroom in West Delhi's Kirti Nagar area on Wednesday evening. According to officials, the fire broke out at 6:32 PM in a furniture showroom, Block number 2, Kirti Nagar. No casualties were reported in the blaze.

Upon receiving information, 17 fire tenders rushed to the scene and started the operations to bring the blaze under control, they said. More details are awaited. Delhi Fire Video: Massive Blaze Erupts at Furniture Shop in Kirti Nagar, 17 Fire Tenders Deployed.

Fire at Furniture Showroom in Delhi

Earlier today, a fire broke out at a factory in Delhi's Bawana area, officials said.

26 fire tenders rushed to the scene after receiving the information. No casualties were reported in the fire incident, said officials.

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