Hyderabad, January 2: A 65-year-old retired government employee from the city, who was duped of over Rs 1.5 crore in a 'digital arrest' scam, has recovered Rs 70 lakh, thanks to the swift action of the city police. The fraudsters posing as Cyber Crime officials from Mumbai kept the woman under "digital arrest" at her home for about 15 days during December 2024, Rachakonda Police said on Thursday.

The woman received a call on December 8 and was told that a SIM card linked to her ID card had been used for harassing public and sending objectionable messages. She was further threatened that the number was linked to several other cases. The fraudsters also extracted information related to her bank accounts and she was coerced into transferring Rs 1.58 crore to different bank accounts, in order to avoid legal action. Digital Arrest in Bengaluru: Scamsters Impersonating As Police Dupe Software Engineer of INR 11.8 Crore Saying His Aadhaar Card Was Being Misused To Open Bank Accounts.

Subsequently, she realised that she had been cheated and approached the Cyber Crime police, who registered a case. Teams were formed and during the course of investigation the police succeeded in recovering part of the fraud money and ensured to return Rs 70 lakh to the victim, which was transferred to a private bank in Moradabad of Uttar Pradesh, police said. Rachakonda Police Commissioner G Sudheer Babu and other senior police officials praised the Cybercrime police team for the swift action.

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