New Delhi, November 28: An Enforcement Directorate (ED) team conducting a raid in Delhi's Bijwasan area came under an attack on Thursday. The incident occurred while ED's High-Intensity Unit (HIU) was carrying out a search operation related to an ongoing investigation targeting top chartered accountants allegedly linked to a massive cybercrime network operating across India.

The raids follow an investigation that uncovered the laundering of illicit funds generated from thousands of cybercrimes, including phishing scams, QR code fraud, and part-time job scams. According to initial reports, five individuals were present at the premises during the raid. "One of them reportedly fled the scene during the commotion. The situation escalated, leading to the injury of an Additional Director of the ED. While the injuries sustained by the officer and other team members are not serious, they required immediate attention," ED said. Bank 'fraud' Case: ED Raids Ex-directors, Promoters of Kwality Ltd.

ED confirmed that the raided premises had been secured following the attack, and local law enforcement has been informed, "A First Information Report (FIR) is being filed against the individuals involved in the assault." Sharing the details of the case linked to the search operation, ED said thousands of cyber crimes like phishing scams, QR code cheating, and part-time job scams are reported across the country. ED Raids 9 Locations Linked to Z Estates Private Limited in FEMA Probe.

"With the help of i4C and FIU-IND, thousands of reported crime instances were analyzed in totality. It was found that crime money was being layered into 15,000 mule accounts. Then debit and credit cards were obtained. Using these cards, money was remitted to top-up virtual accounts on UAE UAE-based Pyypl Payment Aggregator. Then funds were used from Pyypl to buy Crypto-currency. "The entire network was being run by shady Chartered accountants. Today, ED HIU has searched the top CAs involved in this racket. Searches are going on," added the agency.

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