New Delhi, Oct 1 (PTI) Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Sunday led a 'Swacchta Hi Seva - Shramdaan' initiative at the Patel Chest Institute area in the national capital and was joined by students and teachers of the University of Delhi as well as other people.
The 'Ek Tareekh, Ek Ghanta, Ek Saath' initiative was organised across the nation as part of the 'Swachhata Hi Seva' Campaign, marking the ninth anniversary of the Swachh Bharat Mission. The initiative was scheduled at 10 am for one hour on the eve of Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary.
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"The initiative has transformed into the world's biggest people-led movement," Pradhan said, thanking Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his resolve to develop a Swachha Bharat, which is garbage-free.
"This jan-andolan (people-led movement) is just a beginning and with this, we renew our commitment to make our academic institutions garbage-free," the Union minister added.
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People from all walks of life participated in the hour-long "shramdaan" on Sunday, responding to the prime minister's appeal for a nationwide cleanliness drive. According to the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry, more than 9.20 lakh sites across the country have been adopted for the mega drive.
In a recent episode of "Mann Ki Baat", Modi appealed for "one hour of shramdaan for swachhata" on October 1 by all citizens and said it would be a "Swachhanjali" to Mahatma Gandhi on the eve of his birth anniversary.
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