Chhatarpur (Madhya Pradesh) [India], October 30 (ANI): Amid Diwali festivities, many are concerned over the rising pollution and its aggravation due to bursting of firecrackers. Many have also opined that the oil used in diyas (oil lamps) should be distributed among the poor. Pandit Dhiren Krishna Shastri on Wednesday lashed out at those raising objection over the use of firecrackers and Deepotsav celebrations. He said that firecrackers are also used during New Year, but no one questions the rising pollution at that time."Whenever there is a Hindu festival, a lot of people start schooling others. On Holi, it is said that water will get wasted. During Diwali, it is said that pollution will increase. The firecrackers are also burnt on New Year. Is there no pollution then? These hypocritical comments will not work anymore," he said. Shastri further said that if there is a festival in any other religion there is no objection raised.
"We don't say anything when New Year is celebrated on January 1 with firecrackers across the world. Why do you point a finger when the festival is associated with Sanatan Dharma?" he remarked. Shastri also informed that 28 lakh diyas will be used to illuminate the ghats along with banks of Saryu river during Deepotsav in Ayodhya. "I extend best wishes to everyone on the occasion of Diwali. This is the first time that Raghunath ji (deity) are out of the tent and established in the temple. This is the first Deepotsav after the Pran Pratishtha program of Lord Shri Ram. 28 lakh diyas (oil lamps) will be lit to illuminate ghats along the banks of the Saryu River during 'Deepotsav' in Ayodhya. This is a very big day for the devotees of Lord Ram," Pandit Dhiren Krishna Shastri said. Earlier, Uttar Pradesh Minister Jaiveer Singh said that this is the first 'Deepotsav' after the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya and every effort has been made to give grandeur, divinity to this programme.
"This is the first 'Deepotsav' after the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya and every effort has been made to give grandeur, and divinity to this programme. Many things will be made to create new records this year. In today's program, the Culture Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat will be here," said Jaiveer Singh. (ANI)
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