New Delhi, May 21 (PTI) Taking a step forward towards child safety, the Delhi Police on Sunday started a month-long campaign to create awareness and educate parents on how to address and tackle issues of sexual abuse, cyber bullying and child trafficking.
Under the campaign, the police via its official online platforms -- Twitter and Instagram -- will educate the guardians, caretakers and parents about various aspects of child safety and how they can prevent their child from being victims to such crimes.
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Deputy Commissioner of Police (PRO) Suman Nalwa said, "Right from bullying to inappropriate touch, people generally do not address such things. So, we want a healthy debate to happen in the society and people to start talking about these issues. After a lot of brainstorming, we have decided on the campaign to educate the masses on how to address child safety."
According to officials, boards explaining cyber bullying, child trafficking, sexual abuse and harassment will be put up outside schools and metro stations. The issues pertaining to child safety will also be addressed through FM channels.
The aim is to make children aware about cyber bullying with their school education, to teach them crucial safety lessons and prepare them to not get upset and immediately inform their teacher and parents in case they face sexual abuse, cyber bullying or any kind of harassment, a senior police officer said.
"Cyber bullying is when someone distorts a child's photograph and shares it on the Internet to cause him or her mental harassment, and this is a punishable offence," the officer said.
The 'BachchonKiSurakshaHaiHarmaraKartavya' campaign aims to encourage citizens to dial 112 and inform them in case they witness and face any such child safety issues.
Parents need to be friendly with their child, teach them 'good touch' and 'bad touch', and encourage them to share their ordeal in such cases and alert police so that strict action is taken against the perpetrators, officials added.
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