New Delhi, December 30: Delhi Police have arrested a 22-year-old transgender accused of being involved in a theft case worth Rs 50,000, police said on Monday. "In an operation, the Shahdara police have arrested a 22-year-old transgender accused, Yash @ Yashika, in connection with a theft case involving Rs 50,000," Delhi Police said. Delhi Police Special Cell Bust Inter-State Arms Trafficking Syndicate, 2 Gunrunners Held.

According to the police, the accused had stolen the money from an office in Seemapuri on December 23. The police had registered an e-FIR and analyzed over 100 CCTV cameras to identify the suspect. The accused was arrested on December 28 and a stolen scooty was recovered from the possession. The police also recovered Rs 2,500 in cash. The accused has been previously involved in three cases and was handed over to the concerned Investigating Officer (IO) for further investigation.

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