New Delhi, January 4: A 36-year-old resident of Gautam Vihar in New Usmanpur in the national capital was hospitalised after being shot at by his friend over a minor altercation, police said on Thursday. According to Delhi Police the victim, Naveel Khan was sitting outside his house on Wednesday with his friends Sadiq (30) and Nadeem (30) when Nadeem's younger brother, Junaid (25) arrived with a country-made pistol.
"To show off his pistol, Junaid fired at the ground and both Sadiq and Nadeem Khan were hit by shrapnel/pellets on their toes and legs." Following this, Naveel abused Junaid and confronted him for his folly. In anger, Junaid fired at Naveel and shot him on his left thigh. Delhi Shocker: Two People Shot At in Tilak Nagar, Police Launch Manhunt to Nab Accused.
A case has been registered under Section 307 IPC r/w 25/27 Arms Act at New Usmanpur police station. All the four reside at Gautam Vihar and are employed at an Aluminium Smelting Factory. Efforts are being made to apprehend Junaid, police said. Further investigation is in progress.
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