New Delhi, December 5: Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Thursday directed a magisterial enquiry into the death of a 12-year-old boy, Prince, at Chinmaya Vidyalaya on December 3. She called the incident "extremely serious" and raised concerns about student safety in schools across the city.

In a letter to Chief Secretary Dharmendra, CM Atishi said, "This is an extremely serious incident that raises questions regarding the safety and security of students who study in schools across Delhi." Delhi CM Atishi Writes to LG VK Saxena for Re-Appointment of Bus Marshals for Women’s Safety.

The official notification added, "A Magisterial Enquiry, u/s 196 of Bhartiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, is hereby directed in this matter. A preliminary report is to be submitted within 3 days."

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