New Delhi, November 23: In a shocking incident, a 5-year-old girl was strangulated to death by her mother in Ashok Vihar area, Delhi police said on Saturday. Delhi police said that the death of 5 year old child was informed by Deepchand Hospital. Delhi Police said, "Enquiry revealed strangulation marks on child.
Immediately the case was registered and all known to child including her mother was brought to police station for examination. After sustained interrogation the mother of child broke down and revealed that she strangulated her." Delhi Shocker: Man Arrested for Killing Neighbour for Intervening in Domestic Dispute With Wife.
Police said that further enquiry revealed that the said mother's first husband abandoned her and later she came in contact with a person named Rahul through Instagram. Later she came to Delhi and wanted to marry him. Delhi Shocker: Youth Detained for Harassing, Passing Offensive Remarks at Girl in Front of School.
However Rahul and his family didn't accept the child and hence refused to marry. In frustration the mother strangulated the child. Furthermore investigation revealed that the child with her mother were residing in Himachal Pradesh with one of their relative prior coming to Delhi. There the said relative had sexually assaulted child as per statement of mother, Delhi police said. An offence under section 103 /65(2) BNS read with 06 POCSO Act has been registered. Further investigation in this case is being done. (