New Delhi, January 15: A three-year-old child succumbed to his injuries falling off a handrail of an escalator in Delhi's Pacific Mall, located in Tilak Nagar, said police officials on Wednesday. As per the police, the incident occurred on Tuesday when the child came with a group of women and children from Uttam Nagar to the mall to watch a movie.

The incident occurred at around 5.45 pm when the group of women were busy in buying movie tickets and the child came near the escalator and fell over the handrail while trying to slip along it. He was rushed to the Deen Dayal Upadhyay (DDU) Hospital but was declared brought dead. Delhi Shocker: ‘Unhappy’ With Birth of Twin Girls, Family Kills and Buries Both Infants; Case Registered.

The police said, "An information was received from DDU hospital around 7PM about a child being brought dead. Further enquiry into the matter revealed that a lady had come from Uttam Nagar to Pacific Mall to watch a movie, along with other ladies of the family and children. Around 5:45PM, while they were busy buying tickets etc, one of the children named Vishal (around 3 years of age) came near the escalator and fell over the handrail while trying to slip along it. He was taken to hospital but was declared brought dead."

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