New Delhi, November 24: The DDA will offer nearly 15,000 flats in its new housing scheme, officials said on Wednesday. The flats of different categories located at Dwarka, Narela, Rohini and Jasola, among other places will be offered under this scheme and are those which remained "unsold in previous housing schemes" of the urban body, the DDA said in a statement.
The decision was taken during an online meeting of the authority of the DDA, held on Wednesday under the chairmanship of Lt Governor of Delhi Anil Baijal, also the chairman of the DDA, officials said. The authority has approved launching of a special housing scheme for approximately 15,000 flats, they said.
The DDA said it will soon share further details of the scheme on its website and in leading newspapers and on social media. Also, the flats are being offered at the old rates or cost in relaxation of the costing policy of DDA, which is updated every financial year based on the appreciation or depreciation of land cost or building, as the case may be, it said in a statement.
"The flats at Narela sub-city are being offered after taking several remedial measures in terms of improvement of infrastructure, security and connectivity on the basis of suggestions, feedback of the allottees, residents of the area," it said. The allottees will be eligible for subsidy under PMAY scheme of the central government. If they avail home loan from a bank or financial institution, the statement said.
The entire process from application to allotment and possession is being done through online mode, officials said. The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) on March 10 had allotted 1,353 flats to people under its housing scheme 2021 through a draw of lots streamed online.
Out of these, 689 flats were surrendered by allottees, nearly 50 per cent of the total inventory under the scheme, with COVID-19 and other factors being attributed by officials for such a larger number of flats being given up. In late August, the DDA had held a draw for 689 flats under the 2021 Housing Scheme, surrendered by allottees, with a meagre 79 waitlisted applicants being alloted units from this lot.
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