Bengaluru, January 20: Registering a steep spike, Karnataka on Thursday reported 47,754 new cases of COVID-19, and 29 fatalities, taking the tally to 33,76,953 and the death toll to 38,515. The state had recorded 41,457 fresh infections on Tuesday and 40,499 on Wednesday.

Of the new cases today, 30,540 were from Bengaluru Urban that saw 13,195 people being discharged and 8 virus-related deaths. The total number of active cases across the state is now 2,93,231. There were 22,143 discharges, taking the total number of recoveries to 30,45,177, a health department bulletin said.

While the positivity rate for the day stood at 18.48 per cent, the case fatality rate (CFR) was 0.06 per cent. Of the 29 deaths, eight are from Bengaluru Urban, Kalaburagi and Mysuru (5), Bidar and Tumakuru (2), followed by others.

Apart from Bengaluru Urban, Hassan recorded the second highest with 1,840 new cases, Tumakuru 1,622, Mandya 1,512 and Mysuru 1,352. Delhi Reports 12,306 New COVID-19 Cases, 43 Deaths in Past 24 Hours; Positivity Rate at 21.48.

Bengaluru Urban district now has a total of 15,13,024 cases, followed by Mysuru 1,93,155 and Tumakuru 1,33,191. According to the bulletin, Bengaluru Urban tops the list among discharges with 12,94,831, followed by Mysuru 1,81,100 and Tumakuru 1,21,294. Cumulatively, a total of 5,98,64,983 samples have been tested, of which 2,58,290 were on Thursday alone.

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