Sambhal (UP), Jan 2 (PTI) The court commissioner on Thursday submitted in the Chandausi court a detailed survey report on Sambhal's Jama Masjid. The report, which includes videography from all angles, was compiled during the survey conducted on November 19 and November 24.

Court Commissioner Ramesh Singh Raghav, appointed as the advocate for this case by the court, told reporters after submitting the report that the survey covered the Shahi Jama Masjid in Sambhal, which has been at the centre of a legal dispute following claims that Harihar temple stood at the same location earlier.

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"The survey was conducted according to the directions of the court and the complete report, including videography, has been submitted today to the Civil Judge Senior Division in a sealed envelope," Raghav explained.

The report, which is believed to run into 40 to 45 pages, has been submitted in a sealed envelope in accordance with the directives of the Supreme Court.

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