Raipur, February 7: A jawan of the Special Task Force (STF) was on Sunday killed when a pressure improvised explosive device (IED), planted by Naxals, went off in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district, police said. The incident occurred around 4.30 pm near Peddagellur village under Tarrem police station area when a joint team of security forces was out on an anti-Naxal operation, Inspector General of Police (Bastar range) Sundarraj P told PTI. Chhattisgarh: Naxal Attack in Sukma, CRPF Personnel Killed, 7 Injured.
The personnel belonging to STF, CoBRA- an elite unit of the CRPF, and the District Force were involved in the operation, he said. "When the patrolling team was on way back after the operation, Constable Mohan Nag inadvertently stepped on the pressure IED connection near Peddagellur, around 450 km away from capital Raipur, triggering the blast that left him critically injured," he said. Chhattisgarh: CRPF Officer Martyred, 10 Soldiers of CoBRA Battalion Injured in IED Blast Triggered by Naxals in Sukma.
He was rushed to a local hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries, the IG said. Nag belonged to 'Black Panther', a specialised unit of the STF, he added.
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