New Delhi, June 9: The CBI on Friday recovered Rs 6 crore in cash, besides documents related to property worth crores, from the premises of Anil Ganpatrao Ramod, Additional Divisional Commissioner, Pune, who has been arrested by the agency for allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 8 lakh, officials said.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had lodged an FIR against Ramod, who was also the arbitrator for Pune, Satara and Solapur districts in Maharashtra for the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), for allegedly demanding a bribe from the representatives of the farmers from Satara and Solapur demanding a higher compensation for their land to be acquired for building highways and related infrastructure. Manipur Violence: CBI Registers Six Cases, Forms SIT to Probe Attacks in State.
"The accused (Ramod) had allegedly kept the complainant's cases pending and when the complainant approached him in this regard, he demanded an undue advantage of 10 per cent of the amount of the increased compensation.
"It was also alleged that the accused demanded Rs 10 lakh from the complainant for the increased compensation of around 1.25 crore (approximately) and finally, settled for Rs 8 lakh," a CBI spokesperson said. Ramod was caught red-handed while accepting the bribe of Rs 8 lakh, he added. CBI Forms SIT to Probe Manipur Violence, Takes over Probe.
"Searches were conducted at the official and residential premises of the accused at three locations in Pune, which led to the recovery of cash amounting to Rs 6 crore (approximately), property-related documents, including for 14 immovable properties in the name of self and family, investment and bank account details and other incriminating documents," the official said.
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