Kolkata, Sep 12 (PTI) The CBI on Tuesday issued fresh summons to Mathew Samuel, who conducted the Narada sting operation, directing him to appear before its officers for questioning on September 18.

Samuel has been asked to join the investigation at its office here in the city on September 18, a senior official said.

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"... You are hereby directed to attend before me on September 18, for the purpose of answering certain questions related to the (Narada) case," the letter, undersigned by the investigating officer, said.

When contacted, Samuel alleged that the CBI was trying to harass him, and he would only appear before it if the central agency was ready to pay for his travel from Bengaluru to Kolkata and back, as well as for his accommodation.

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"The CBI sleuths have quizzed me at least 10 times in the past. In December 2019, they questioned me for the last time. I always cooperated with them as I wanted the truth to surface.

“But it seems that the progress of the case is quite slow now. They should also realise that I cannot travel by train given my medical conditions. I will go if they provide the airfare and accommodation,” Samuel said.

The sting operation was conducted in 2014 by Samuel of Narada News, a web portal, in 2014 wherein some people resembling TMC ministers, MPs and MLAs were purportedly seen receiving money from representatives of a fictitious company in lieu of favours.

The tapes were made public just before the 2016 assembly elections in West Bengal.

The Calcutta High Court had ordered a CBI probe into the sting operation in March 2017.

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