Rishikesh, August 24: The CBI registered a case against a senior official of All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), Rishikesh, and two private firms in connection with the wrongful procurement of medical equipment worth over Rs 6.57 crores, officials said on Wednesday. An official statement by the premier central probe agency read, "A case was registered against a senior official of AIIMS, Rishikesh and two private firms for causing wrongful loss to the AIIMS, Rishikesh to the tune of more than Rs 6.57 crore in the procurement of medical equipment."

Meanwhile, on Thursday, the CBI booked the former superintendent of Bond Section, Jawaharlal Nehru Customs House (JNCH), and others, in Maharashtra's Raigad for allegedly causing loss to the government exchequer. Online Scam: CBI Registers FIR Against Five Persons for Duping USD 4,00,000 From US Lady in Online Fraud.

According to the agency, a case was registered against the superintendent, Bond Section, Jawaharlal Nehru Customs House (JNCH), two private firms based in Goregaon and Thane and other unknown persons. "A joint surprise check was earlier conducted in the Bond Section, JNCH, Raigad, by CBI along with officials of JNCH. It was alleged that redemption fine/penalty of Rs 9,56,000 and Rs 4,96,000 respectively was imposed against two bills of entry pertaining to said private companies and the goods covered under these two bills of entry were kept on hold by the Customs Intelligence Unit (CIU)," the CBI said in a statement. 'Stop Playing Hide and Seek': Bombay High Court Asks CBI To Explain Why Order of No Coercive Action Against Sameer Wankhede Should Be Vacated.

"It was further alleged that both the private companies entered into a conspiracy with the said Superintendent, Bond Section, JNCH, Raigad, and others by paying undue advantage and managed to get delivery of the goods covered under these two bills of entry without paying the due fine/penalty and thereby, caused loss to the government exchequer," it added. Searches were conducted at the premises of the accused in Navi Mumbai, Noida, Sitapur, Goregaon and Thane.

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