India News | BJP MLA Questions Lockdown Relaxation in UP's Gorakhpur

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Gorakhpur's BJP MLA Radha Mohan Das on Wednesday questioned the lockdown relaxation given in the city, warning that if shops are allowed to operate, the entire area may turn into a hotspot.

Gorakhpur (UP), May 27 (PTI) Gorakhpur's BJP MLA Radha Mohan Das on Wednesday questioned the lockdown relaxation given in the city, warning that if shops are allowed to operate, the entire area may turn into a hotspot.

“When there was no coronavirus infected person in the city, the lockdown was followed fully and when a huge number of migrants came to Gorakhpur and COVID positive cases have touched 60, the administration has decided to open shops," the MLA said.

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Das said Gorakhpur has received the maximum trains that brought migrants from other states.

“CM Yogi Adityanath has said in his official statement that a huge number of workers coming from Mumbai are infected with the virus. At present, seven city areas have been declared as hotspots. If the shops will continue to operate every day, the entire city will become a hotsopt,” he said.

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On Tuesday evening, the district administration had issued orders that all shops except malls, cinema halls, salons and parlours, can be opened as per the roster already issued and everyone has to follow the protocol for COVID-19.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

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