Bhubaneswar, November 28: In a shocking incident, a 4-year-old girl was rescued by Badagada police in Odisha's Bhubaneswar after being sold by her parents for Rs 40,000. The accused couple, who are from Bihar, along with four other individuals involved, have been arrested, according to the police.
According to reports, the accused couple was experiencing financial issues and sold their four-year-old child to another childless couple in Pipili.
According to the Badagada police station in charge, Trupti Ranjan Nayak, the duo was working as daily labourers under the Badagada policy limits. After the incident came to light, Badagada police rescued the child and initiated an investigation. A total of six people including the mediators and both parents of the child have been arrested. Cuttack: Police Investigate Minor Girl's Involvement in Illegal Activities, Action to Follow.
Badagada Police Station IIC, Trupti Ranjan Nayak said on Wednesday, "Today morning we received information from one Sarthak Mahadik that a Bihar couple residing in his home, have sold their four-year-old daughter. We have registered a case... The girl has been rescued from a village in the Pipli area. Six people have been detained and interrogation is going on." Double Murder in Bhubaneswar: 2 Killed After Dispute Over 4-Wheeler Parking in Apartment at Sundarpada.
The parents of the child have confessed to selling their child and have also implicated two intermediaries from the Badagada area, who allegedly helped facilitate the illegal transaction. Further investigation into the matter is underway.
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