Mumbai, Dec 26 (PTI) Thieves stole the mobile phones of 17 fans, worth about Rs 7.5 lakh, during a recent event by ARTBAT, a Ukrainian DJ and music duo, in the city, officials said on Thursday.
The handheld devices were stolen during the live performances of Artur and Batish, both from the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, at Goregaon East between 10.30 pm on Tuesday and 5 am on Wednesday, an official said.
This was the debut performance of ARTBAT, the electronic music duo that enjoys global recognition, in Mumbai.
When the musical programme was underway at Hall No. 5 of the Nesco Exhibition Centre in Goregaon, unidentified persons mingled with the crowd and stole the mobile phones of 17 fans, the official said.
A 23-year-old woman, who is a project manager in a private company in Malad, reached the Vanrai police station to file a complaint about the theft of her phone. She came across 16 more persons already waiting there with similar grievances.
Based on the woman's complaint, police registered a theft case against unidentified persons under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, the official said.
Two artists, named Zeeshan Hanif Mohammed (29) and his brother Sheezan Hanif (29), were among those who lost their phones at the event, he said. All the stolen phones were collectively worth about Rs 7.5 lakh.
(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)