New Delhi [India], Feb 25 (ANI): On the sidelines of Roland Garros Junior Wild Card Series tournament, former tennis player Mary Pierce on Tuesday said that India has a lot of potential and can produce future grand slam champions."I have not seen much of the other young Indian tennis player playing and I'm looking for discovering them here at this event but like I said I really believe that there is a lot of potential in this country and there can be more future grand slam champions," Pierce told ANI."I am be happy to be here and very excited as an ambassador for 2020 Roland Garros Junior Wild Card series, It is great idea and It's a wonderful initiative, I think it's inspiring for these young players and it's going to motivate them as well and promote Roland Garros promote in India," Pierce said.The 45-year-old Pierce said that India should build more clay courts so that young tennis player can train on them and win Roland Garros title in future."Hopefully to get more clay courts in India as I believe clay court is very important to be training on, I trained on clay courts growing up and I believe that it really helps to build your game as a whole and it's an incredible experience for these young players for the boy or a girl will be able to go to Paris and have a opportunity to play junior Roland Garros event that going to be helping them in their tennis to achieve their goals and dreams because nothing takes place of experience in being at big stage like this really they can benefit a lot from," she said.Pierce stated that Roland Garros Junior Wild Card Series tournament will act as a great platform to showcase young talent and will give the opportunity to expose tennis players to international standards."I believe India has a lot of untapped talent and potential so I believe event like this will help bring that talent to the surface and give them an opportunity and expose them to the international stage against the best players in the world and I really hope and believe that this will help to create future grand slam champions for Indian tennis players," she added. (ANI)
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