New Delhi [India], April 11 (ANI): The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) on Friday said that it has conducted a total of 1,61,330 tests for coronavirus as on April 10."A total of 1,61,330 samples from 1,47,034 individuals have been tested as on April 10, 2020, 9 PM," ICMR said in a statement.The apex health research body had earlier said that the testing strategy in the country has been extended to include all cases with symptoms of COVID-19 in the identified hotspots. The ICMR official also said that a total of 213 testing laboratories for the infection are present in the country including 146 government and 67 private labs.With 896 COVID-19 cases reported in the country in the last 24 hours, India's total number of coronavirus positive cases rose to 6,761 on Friday, according to the website of Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. (ANI)
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