New Delhi [India], Oct 9 (ANI): India pacer Jasprit Bumrah, who shot to fame within a short span of time, recalls his days of struggle in a video tweeted by Mumbai Indians and said tough times makes one strong."I had one pair of shoes," says Jasprit in the video, which features Indian Premier League's Mumbai-based T20 franchise owner Nita Ambani speaking at the Sports Business Summit in London on Monday.Nita Ambani can be seen saying in the video "Talent can come from anywhere and reach the pinnacle of success. I would like to share with you the transformational journey of a young boy who was discovered by Mumbai Indians from a small town of India."In the video, the cricketer's mother Daljit Bumrah says: "When he was five-year-old, I lost my husband."The cricketer recalls: "After that, we couldn't afford anything. I had one pair of shoes. I used to have one pair of T-shirts. I used to wash them and use it again and again.""So, as a child, you know you hear stories that sometimes these things happen that some people come and watch you and you get picked up like this. But it actually happened," he adds.His mother recalls that when she saw him for the first time on TV in the Indian Premier League (IPL), she could not stop crying. "The first time when I saw him in that IPL match on TV, I couldn't stop crying. He has seen me struggle financially and physically also," she says. Jasprit Bumrah says "All these tough times make you strong because you've seen tougher days before."Jasprit is now the number one bowler in the One Day International cricket, according to the ICC ODI Player Rankings. (ANI)

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