New Delhi (India), Nov 11 (ANI): Janhvi Kapoor credited her father Boney Kapoor for her electrifying energy while extending warm wishes on his 64th birthday!"Happy Birthday Papa. You always ask me where I get my energy from papa and I get it from you," Janhvi wrote on Instagram. Not only did she share a lengthy heartfelt post, but Janhvi also went back in time by posting some really old pictures of the producer; one of which featured him as a toddler."Seeing you wake up and doing what you love with more passion every single day, seeing you fall but get up even stronger, seeing you broken but giving us and everyone else strength when they need it," she added in the caption. Emphasising on her connect with him, the actor called him the "best man" she will ever know and added, "You inspire me, encourage me, you've always been the best dad but now you're my best friend." "I love you. I'm going to make you so proud. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I hope and pray this year is full of just that in abundance for you," she ended. After a year of making a debut in the industry, the 22-year-old has finally teamed up with her father for the first time to work in a feature titled 'Bombay Girl'. Boney Kapoor was married to late actor Sridevi, who passed away last year. The former has produced a number of her films including the famous Anil Kapoor starrer 'Mr. India' and Sridevi's last starrer 'Mom'. Meanwhile, Janhvi has a number of other projects lined up too, including 'RoohiAfza' alongside Rajkummar Rao, and 'Dostana 2' opposite Kartik Aaryan, shooting for which commenced on Saturday. She is also set to star as Gunjan Saxena, who has name amongst the first female pilots of India to fly in combat, in the upcoming biopic 'Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl'. It will hit big screens next year on March 13. (ANI)

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