Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Sept 26 (ANI): The Telangana Police on Wednesday arrested five persons for allegedly impersonating as police officers and looting a businessman, here.According to the police, the main accused, Pruthvi Raj, had a "grudge" against the victim as he did not pay his salary, following which he, along with his friends planned a robbery."The accused posed as Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) officials and told the victim that they had come to search his house as he has a case lodged against him," said AR Srinivas, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP).They took away eleven mobile phones, two gold bracelets, three gold rings, one silver ring, net cash of Rs 20,000 and eleven laptops from his residence, Srinivas said. Following the arrest, the accused were produced before the court, which sent them to judicial custody. (ANI)
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