Rohtang (Himachal Pradesh) [India], Nov 23 (ANI): Vehicles will not be allowed to pass through the 8.8-km-long Rohtang tunnel on the Leh-Manali highway from November 25 until its construction is completed, officials said on Friday.Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur had also met Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday in this regard and requested him to expedite the work."CM Jai Ram Thakur Ji called on defence minister Rajnath Singh Ji today and requested to expedite the work on Rohtang tunnel and release funds for border roads. Ministry assured all possible help to the state," the CMO Himachal tweeted.The tunnel is being built in the eastern Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas on the Leh-Manali highway and will significantly reduce the distance between Manali and Keylong, the administrative centre of the tribal district of Lahaul-Spiti. (ANI)
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