Sagar Island, January 6: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday said no Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) cases have so far been detected in the state. A two-month-old boy admitted to a private hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, has been detected with HMPV infection, while two cases were reported from Karnataka. "In Bangalore, two cases have been reported. Here, we are yet to detect any such case. Our chief secretary has already held a meeting and taken precautionary measures," Banerjee told reporters here. HMPV Virus ‘First Case’ Reported in India, 8-Month-Old Baby Tests Positive for Human Metapneumovirus in Bengaluru.
Banerjee is on a two-day visit to the Sagar Island in South 24 Parganas to take stock of preparations for the Ganga Sagar Mela (religious congregation) to be held later this month. "We do not have any such alerts in this connection (HMPV cases). In case there are any, I will let you know. Our government is always in service of people; you have seen that during the Covid pandemic,” the chief minister said. HMPV Virus: 2-Month-Old Boy Tests Positive for Human Metapneumovirus in Ahmedabad; Government Asks People Not To Panic.
The Union health ministry has emphasised that HMPV is already in circulation globally, including in India, and cases of respiratory illnesses associated with it have been reported in various countries.
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