Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) [India], Oct 9 (ANI): More than 82,000 voters in Dharmshala and over 74,000 voters in Pacchad assembly constituency will exercise their franchise in the upcoming by-elections, according to the Election Commission.The by-elections for the two Assembly seats are scheduled to be held on October 21."Out of a total of 82,137 voters in Dharmshala, there are 40,157 female and 41,980 male voters. Similarly, in the Pachhad constituency, out of the total 74,487 voters, there are 36,189 female and 38,298 male voters which were registered till the last date of nomination," said a spokesperson of the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) here on Wednesday.The two constituencies in total have eight centenarian voters including five in Pachhad and three in Dharmshala."As many as 101 voters, including 21 from Dharamshala and 80 from Pachhad will cast their votes for the first time after crossing the 18 year mark," the spokesperson added. (ANI)
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