Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Nov 8 (ANI): Allahabad High Court on Thursday sought Uttar Pradesh government's response on a writ petition seeking CBI probe into an alleged fake encounter case in Jhansi. A bench of Justice Naheed Monis Aara and Anil Kumar also asked Jhansi Superintendent of Police (SSP), OP Singh, to file a personal affidavit in the encounter case of Pushpendra Yadav. The court was hearing a petition filed by Yadav's wife Shivangi through advocate Imran Ullah. After hearing the petitioner's arguments, the court asked the Jhansi SSP to file the affidavit till November 26 -- the next date of hearing. The petitioner's lawyer told the court that Inspector Dharmendra Singh Chouhan, who fired on Yadav, was a relative of the SSP. The SSP is trying to shield Dharmendra, he submitted before the court, adding that the policemen's statements made out in media on the matter were contradictory. Yadav's wife, in her petition, said his husband was killed by the police and requested the court for its directions for an enquiry by the CBI. Principal Secretary, Home, Uttar Pradesh and state DGP along with the Jhansi SSP have been made respondents in the petition. Yadav was killed in a police firing in Jhansi early last month. (ANI)
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