Gaya (Bihar) [India], Feb 28 (ANI): After the Bihar Assembly passed a resolution to not implement NRC and only implement NPR in its 2010 format, RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav has said that his party has thwarted the central government's plans to bring NRC."Amit Shah kehte the hum ek inch peechhe nahi hatenge. Aaj hum sab logo ne mil karke, RJD ne unko hazar kilometre peechhe dhakelne ka kaam kiya hai (Amit Shah used to say that the Centre will not step back even an inch. Today, we have together pushed them back a thousand kilometre)," Yadav said here on Thursday.The Bihar Assembly had on Tuesday passed a resolution to not implement the NRC in the state. The House also passed a resolution to implement the National Population Register (NPR) but in its 2010 form, with an amendment. (ANI)
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