Chandigarh (Haryana) [India], April 17 (ANI): The Haryana Government on Thursday decided that the health department teams will visit every house for the screening of each person in the state. Haryana Health Minister, Anil Vij said that if any symptoms of COVID-19 are found then the samples would be taken for testing.The state Health Minister in a statement stated that the officers have been directed that sanitization works should be carried out daily in the containment zone. Further, sanitization will be done under the second phase in the entire state."The bank premises, mandis, markets, grocery stores, chemist shops as well as ration depots have been directed to maintain social distancing in their establishments and if any establishment fails to maintain the same then they will not be allowed to open or operate," he added.Vij informed that nine special COVID-19 hospitals equipped with ICUs, ventilators and other equipment have been set up in Haryana.Haryana has so far reported 214 positive COVID-19 cases. (ANI)

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