Surat (Gujarat) [India], Oct 8 (ANI): Students and teachers of Institute of Design and Technology (IDT) have performed 'Garba' dance holding sanitary napkins in their hands to create awareness about women's hygiene."We want to create awareness about the importance of using sanitary napkins. Even though people in some parts of the country are comfortable with the issue, it is still a taboo in several rural regions," an Event Management student at the institute, Kirti Buchha told ANI on Monday."A lot of people shy away from talking about this issue. We feel proud of being a woman and this is part of it," Buchha added.She said that there are still villages in the country where women don't even know about sanitary pads."We want to spread the message of women's hygiene through this event. So, over 150 students at the institute decided to dance with sanitary napkins in their hands. Even boys participated in the event because they are also aware of the gravity of this issue," Ankita Goyal said. (ANI)
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