Udaipur (Gujarat) [India], Oct 7 (ANI): Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot raised questions on liquor ban in Gujarat and said the state has the maximum consumption of liquor among all states."I was in Gujarat for a year. There is a ban on liquor since independence. But Gujarat has the maximum consumption of liquor. This is the situation of Mahatma Gandhi's Gujarat," he said on Sunday.Dispelling the rumours of a ban on liquor in Rajasthan, Gehlot said that no ban will be imposed on liquor until strict measures can be taken to prevent illegal liquor."I am personally in favour of banning liquor. But a ban on alcohol will give way for illegal liquor. Under these circumstances, it cannot be banned in the state. In 1977, a ban was imposed but it failed," he said.The state government had on October 2 this year, imposed a ban on certain categories of tobacco. (ANI)
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