Morbi (Gujarat) [India], Oct 29 (ANI): Congress MLA from Dhrangadhra, Parsottam Sabariya was arrested in Gujarat’s Morbi district on Sunday for allegedly demanding bride from an irrigation department engineer.Besides Sabariya, a lawyer named Bharat Ganesh, an assistant engineer, a contractual person, and two others have been arrested by the police.“He (Sabariya) demanded Rs 60 lakh from a state irrigation department engineer and settled for Rs 35 lakh. The lawyer used to collect money for him,” said Karanraj Vaghela, Superintendent of Police, Morbi.“A grant of Rs 20 crore was approved for the Irrigation Department for various projects. Thereafter, complaints were received from some places that no work had been done there but payment was done. Therefore, we have arrested the MLA, lawyer, an assistant engineer, a contractual person and two others,” he added. (ANI)
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