Gandhinagar, November 30: In a significant move aimed at benefiting state government employees and officers, Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has approved an increase in the limits for retirement and death gratuity, a press release said on Saturday. Currently, state government employees and officers are entitled to retirement and death gratuity with a maximum limit of Rs 20 lakh. Aligning with the central government's policy, Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has decided to increase this limit by 25 per cent, raising it to Rs 25 lakh. Gujarat: Over Rs 28 Cr Financial Assistance Disbursed to Science Stream Students Under Namo Saraswati Yojana.

This decision, intended to support employees' welfare, will apply to those retiring after January 1, 2024. The proposal presented by the state's Finance Department to the Chief Minister has been approved, and the department will issue the necessary resolutions. The decision is expected to result in an estimated annual financial impact of Rs 53.15 crore for the state government.

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