Kolkata (West Bengal) [India], Nov 27 (ANI): Minister of State (Health) in the West Bengal government, Chandrima Bhattacharya on Wednesday alleged that Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar was 'creating a confrontation with the state government.'"It is very sad to say that the Governor inside assembly went on praising the Prime Minister. This does not go with the Constitution. No one from the state has entered into any confrontation with him, he is the one who started it," Bhattacharya said in the assembly here.Earlier, Dhankhar through a series of tweets had alleged that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had been uncourteous to him when she arrived at the Raj Bhavan on Wednesday."What struck odd about the strategy at the assembly was that the leader of the House Hon'ble CM just kept aloof and took no step while I alighted or made way for floral tribute to Dr Ambedkar at the statue. I expected otherwise. Interacted with all who were open to it," he tweeted. (ANI)

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