New Delhi [India], Oct 19 (ANI): Union Youth Affairs and Sports minister Kiren Rijiju on Saturday said that the government does not involve in the process of selection of players."You have to understand one thing that the government does not involve in the process of selection. If there are anomalies and breaking of rules and if there are certain things which are not in the interest of the sports then we make an advisory suggestion," Rijiju told reporters.Zareen on Thursday had demanded a 'fair chance' to contest the qualifiers for the Tokyo Olympics. In her letter to sports ministry, she said the Boxing Federation of India's rule of exempting gold and silver medallists from the World Cup was being changed to accommodate pugilist Mary Kom, who won a bronze in the tournament.Zareen had released the statement on Twitter and captioned the post as, "All I want is a fair chance. If I'm not given the opportunity to compete what am I training for. Sports is about FairPlay & I don't want to lose faith in my country.Jai Hind @KirenRijiju @RijijuOffice #AjaySingh @Media_SAI @DGSAI @BFI_official @kishanreddybjp @PMOIndia #TopsAthlete".On the controversy, Rijiju also said: "When I receive certain letter or request or representation, I have to respond because after all, they expect something from the minister. When a player or sports federation approach the minister, there are expectations and I have to deal with it in an appropriate manner."Rijiju then urged the federation to be transparent and take a decision which is in the interest of the nation."So I will advise the federation to be transparent and take a decision which is in the interest of the nation. There are no technicalities where I need to intervene. Without knowing the background I cannot say anything," Rijiju said.Rijiju, today, felicitated women boxers, who performed brilliantly at the Women's World Boxing Championships.Manju Rani, who bagged a silver medal, was handed over a cash prize of Rs 14 lakhs while all the bronze medallists MC Mary Kom, Lovlina Borgohain and Jamuna Boro were given Rs 8 lakhs each. (ANI)

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