Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) [India], Aug 29 (ANI): Gopal Bhargava, Leader of Opposition in Madhya Pradesh Assembly on Wednesday wrote to Chief Minister Kamal Nath on illegal sand mining in the state.In his letter to the Chief Minister, Bhargava alleged that the administration is not receiving the revenues in proportion to the business of sand mining going on in the state."The way, sand business is booming in the state, the administration is not receiving revenues in proportion to that. The administration is receiving only one per cent of the actual revenue," he said in his letter.Bhargava reminded that during the last session of Legislative Assembly, in reply to a question posed by him, the administration had accepted the illegal business of sand being carried out even in cities like Bhopal and Indore."In its action in 52 districts in the last six months, the administration has been able to collect only Rs 3 crore. Ideally, it should have been at least 1000 times higher at Rs 3,000 crore. Everyone (in administration) from top to bottom is involved in corruption," he said.Warning of a hunger strike if the administration fails to take action against the illegal sand mining, Bhargava said, "If your government fails to take action against the illegal mining, then in order to protect the loot of state's mineral wealth, I along with environmentalists and workers in the state will sit on hunger strike (Anshan) before the Chief Minister's residence."Bhargava said the strike will continue till this illegal business doesn't stop."Chief Minister, if you do not take action against the illegal mining, we will intensify the protest," he warned. (ANI)
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