Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Mar 24 (ANI): Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Wednesday praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for announcing 21 days lockdown in wake of the unprecedented situation arising out of coronavirus outbreak in the country."It is good that Prime Minister Modi has announced 21 days Lockdown. It was the need of the hour," said Deshmukh.Emphasising on situation of Maharashtra, he ensured that there will no scarcity of essential commodities in the state."I assure everyone in Maharashtra that there will be no scarcity of essential items including grains, groceries, medicines. Govt will ensure supply of essential items," he said. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-day lockdown in the entire country to deal with the spread of coronavirus, saying that "social distancing" is the only option to deal with the disease, which spreads rapidly.In a televised address to the nation, Prime Minister Modi said that it is vital to break the chain of the disease and experts have said that at least 21 days are needed for it.The Prime Minister said the lockdown has drawn a "Lakshman Rekha" in every home and people should stay indoors for their own protection and for that of their families.Noting that the Centre has on Tuesday allocated Rs 15,000 crore for the treatment of coronavirus patients and to strengthen health infrastructure, he said testing facilities, personal protective equipment, isolation beds, ICU beds, ventilators and other necessary materials will be ramped up.The Prime Minister said the country will have to bear the economic cost of lockdown but saving the life of every citizen is his priority and the priority of the Central and state governments as also of local administrations.Noting that the virus spreads like fire, he said that if care is not taken for 21 days, the country, a family can go behind by 21 years.According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India has reported about 536 individuals have been confirmed positive among suspected cases and contacts of known positive cases. A total of 22,694 samples from 21,804 individuals have been tested for SARS-CoV2 as on March 24 till 8 pm.Ten people have died so far due to the deadly virus, according to the data by Union health ministry. (ANI)
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