American supermodel Gigi Hadid who welcomed a baby girl in September, recently debuted a super adorable first mommy-daughter selfie. On Sunday (local time), the first-time mom and 25-year-old supermodel shared an adorable burping selfie with her newborn daughter on her Instagram Stories and joked that the infant "burps sunshine," adding a winky face emoji after the caption. Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik Introduce their Baby Girl To The World on Halloween 2020 and She’s Dressed As Hulk (View Picture)
In the photo, the baby girl could be seen leaning over her mom's shoulder, sporting yellow socks and grey pants. Hadid welcomed her first child with her boyfriend and 27-year-old singer Zayn Malik. The former 'One Direction' member announced late last month that he became a first-time dad, writing on Twitter on September 23, "Our baby girl is here, healthy & beautiful." The 'Dusk Till Dawn' singer added, "To try put into words how I am feeling right now would be an impossible task. Gigi Hadid Encourages Fans to ‘Vote’ in US Presidential Election 2020 (View Post)
The love I feel for this tiny human is beyond my understanding. Grateful to know her, proud to call her mine, & thankful for the life we will have together x." Later that night, Hadid also shared the baby news and posted another black-and-white image featuring Malik and their daughter holding hands. "Our girl joined us earth-side this weekend and she's already changed our world. So in love," Hadid wrote at the time.
Gigi Hadid Shares Selfie with Her Daughter
As reported by People Magazine, Hadid and Malik had their first official date night as new parents in early October. After sharing a few clips of the dinner coming together, Hadid posted a snap of the final plate, admitting that she missed her baby, who was off with grandma in another room. "Mom & dad's first date night," she wrote, adding, "(she's in the other room w Oma but miss her sm lol)."
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