New Delhi [India], Mar 6 (ANI): Senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad on Friday condemned the Telangana government for arresting party MP A Revanth Reddy for 'raising his voice against corruption.'"I condemn Telangana government for arresting MP Revanth Reddy for raising his voice against corruption and illegal construction undertaken by leaders of the ruling party in the state. He should be immediately released," read a statement by Azad."Generally, the stand taken by the MP should have been appreciated and the action should have been initiated against the corrupt leaders, instead of that the MP has been jailed. This shows the close nexus between the government and those who are undertaking illegal construction," he further said."The govt should initiate action against the culprits involved in illegal construction," Azad demanded.Congress MP Reddy was arrested on Thursday for flying a drone over a farmhouse, which reportedly belongs to Telangana IT Minister KT Rama Rao. (ANI)
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