New Delhi, March 7: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday said four of the 36 Rafale fighter jets, which India is procuring from France will arrive here in India by the end of May, while the remaining will arrive at a gap of 1.5 months each."Four Rafale will be here by the last week of May.
After that, one Rafale will be here every 1.5 months," Defence Minister said here during an event. A total of 36 Rafale fighters for Indian Air Force are being purchased from France. The Defence Minister further stated that the situation in Kashmir is normal. Talking about the threats, Singh said as per recent situations, he doesn't as such see any threat from India's northern neighbour. Rafale Fighter Jet Spare Parts Production Begins at Reliance Defence - Dassault Aviation Joint Venture Facility in Nagpur: Reports.
He, however, said perceptional differences regarding Indo-China border are there between two countries and stressed that relations have improved."You saw it in Doklam that we are no lesser (Doklam me bhi apne dekha ki hum kahin se 19 nahi hain),"said the Defence Minister.
The Defence Minister further said the Citizenship Amendment Act will not affect Indians. Earlier, during his speech, the Defence Minister said the government aims to achieve exports of defence goods and services to the tune of $5 billion in next five years, Singh said on Saturday.
"The government aims to achieve exports of defence goods and services to the tune of $5 billion in next five years. All possible support would be extended to the private sector so that they can contribute significantly to enable us to achieve the said target," the Minister said while addressing an event here.
According to a defence ministry release, Singh said the manufacturing sector has the potential to reach $1 trillion by 2025 and the government is striving to achieve the goal by implementing key flagship programmes like 'Make in India', besides building policies relevant to the digital-economy and fostering human-capital. First Rafale Jets to Be Seen in Indian Skies in May 2020, Says IAF Chief RKS Bhadauria.
"In our envisaged Defence Production Policy, we have clearly spelt out our goal to achieve a turnover of $26 billion in aerospace and defence goods and services by 2025. This will have huge implications for India's endeavours to promote R&D, innovation and its efforts to secure a place in global supply chains," Rajnath Singh said.
He said, a number of major platforms are envisaged in defence aerospace sector including India's 90-seater civil aircraft, developing civil helicopter industry of $5 billion in PPP model, and New Aero Engine Complex in Defence Corridor with industry participation.
The Defence Minister told the gathering that the Government has prepared a road map for Artificial Intelligence in national security to make India a significant power in defence.He said, there is a plan to develop at least 25 Defence specific Artificial Intelligence products by 2024.
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