New Delhi [India], Dec 12 (ANI): Some flight operations have been impacted at the Delhi Airport due to heavy rains.A post on the official Twitter handle of Delhi Airport read: "Update issued at 2200 hours: Due to heavy rains and strong wind, some flight operations at #DelhiAirport are impacted. For further info, get in touch with the airline concerned. Any inconvenience caused to flyers is regretted."Air India stated that due to heavy rain and consequent congestion at the Airport, some fights have been diverted and held up at Delhi."Due to heavy rains and consequent congestion over Delhi Airport, following flights are diverted and held up at Delhi: A) Diverted to Jaipur - AI-687 BOM/DEL, AI-701 CCU/DEL. B)Held Up at Delhi - AI-013 DEL/AMD, AI-473 DEL/BBI, AI 939 DEL/BAH," tweeted Air India. (ANI)
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